DPRK restore all communication lines with South Korea

The DPRK announced the restoration of all lines of communication with South Korea on the morning of Monday, October 4. Reported Younhap News Agency.

According to him, the relationship will restore at 09:00 local time (03:00 Moscow).

About the readiness to restore the channels of communication with South Korea September 30, said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. According to him, this decision is aimed at improving the current relations between the two countries and build peace on the Korean peninsula.

In the summer of 2020, North Korea has blocked all communication lines with the South. Then the relationship between the two countries deteriorated due dispatch antiphenyanskimi activists in South Korea propaganda leaflets and materials in the North. June 16, 2020, North Korea blew up a coordination office in the Kaesong industrial complex. Since then, relations remained strained.

/Media reports.