US Navy stated hunt for Russian submarines

US naval forces will begin hunting Russian submarines. This is reported by the Observer of the National Interest Caleb Larson.

He recalled a press release published on the official website of the US Navy, which states that a new operational group called Greyhound (Rus. Borzaya, Hound – Approx. “Ribbons”), will instruct the supar destroyer Type “Arly Berk” prepare for countering US security threats by Russia.

Larson led the words of the head of the Northern Command of the United States that the possibilities of the Russian fleet are constantly growing and now represent a significant threat both for the east coast of the United States and for Europe. According to Larson, the American military is particularly concerned with the ability of Russian submarines to spy and disrupt communication lines, cutting cables laid by the DNU of the Atlantic Ocean.

“The cliff of these communication lines creates a serious threat to the security of states and Europe,” said Larson.

According to him, the task of Greyhound is to keep the advantage of the United States over Russia in the West Atlantic at the Eastern Coast of America. To do this, Names Larson, each vehicle of the Arle Berk vehicle is equipped with an active hydroacoustic system and a towed hydroacoustic system, as well as powerful anti-sidelines.

The creation of the operational group of the Greyhound Essinets has become known at the end of September. According to the commander of the US Navy in the Atlantic, the counter-admiral of Brandan Macmene, the ships will be ready to carry out a whole range of tasks, including tracking the underwater activity of Russia in the Atlantic and protect the territory of the United States from the sea.

/Media reports.