In EP, they stated “Economic Suicide” Plan to reduce emissions

Deputies of the European Parliament (EP) from Bulgaria Angel Jambazaki and Andrei Laklikov said that the European Commission plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere by 2030 will become “economic suicide.” It is reported by RT.

Jambazaki and Slodakov noted that the health crisis, which was caused by a coronavirus infection pandemic, as well as measures aimed at overcoming, caused a sharp reduction in the European economy by 4.7 percent. According to the deputies of the EP, over the past six months, the cost of natural gas in European markets has increased four times. In addition, the price of electricity has grown.

“That’s the background in the current year, the EU has put even more ambitious climatic purposes for 2030, which, in turn, led to the rise in the cost of carbon emissions by 80 percent,” they said.

Politicians believe that these factors are the reason that the industry stops, as energy prices become alights, and energy deficit can reach an unprecedented level.

According to Jambaski and Slamkakova, earlier the European Commission adopted a package of proposals, according to which by 2030, the European Union is recommended to reduce the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions at least 55 percent compared with the 1990 level.

“This is not only economic suicide, but also the betrayal of the most vulnerable layers of our society. These measures will lead to an increase in energy prices and poverty,” they say.

Earlier it was reported that the largest investment company Asia Temasek violated the promises to be an environmental pioneer and continued to invest in enterprises responsible for global warming. According to Bloomberg, Temasek General Director Ho Ching has expressed in defense of investments in companies that interfere with the salvation of the planet.

/Media reports.