British scientist lived for several days at Kiev Train Station due to memory problems

British scientist because of memory problems for several days lived at the station in Kiev. Reports about it “”.

Elderly man came to the scientific conference and settled at the hotel in the center of Kiev, however, during one of the walk he had an attack, and he forgot who he was and where he was. He reached the station and lived there for several days.

During this time, he had a mobile phone and a passport, only a bank card was left with a certain amount, so that he lived at the station, feeding in what was acquired in stores, going on with the card. The man was discovered by the police who contacted the embassy of the United Kingdom to find his relatives.

It is noted that the police from the Goloseevsky district administration for their money settled the British to the hotel, helped with food and clothing, and also contacted his son in London, who last week flew away and took his father home.

Previously, a resident of the American State of Texas, 36-year-old Daniel Porter, for the night forgot most of his life because of an unknown disease. Waking up, the man was confident that in the courtyard of the mid-1990, he is 16 years old, and you need to get ready to school.

/Media reports.