Military aircraft flew at US airbag in Afghanistan

Military aircraft flew to the American Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. It is reported by Daily Mail.

It is noted that shortly before that, director of the Chinese program of the Stimson Center, Yun Sun stated that Beijing will be interested in using the base after the departure of US troops. It is assumed that the flew aircraft belong to the Chinese Air Force (Air Force).

Earlier it became known that on the Bagram for the first time after the departure of the American contingent, the power supply was restored. According to the publication, the militants of the Taliban radical movement (a terrorist organization prohibited in Russia) do not have sufficient experience and resources for self-maintenance and maintenance of the military base. At the same time, the presence of China’s forces in the Afghan territory will allow the country to establish contacts with the new government of the republic.

September 16 reported that China’s Foreign Minister Van and called on the United States to take responsibility for the restoration of Afghanistan, having economic and humanitarian aid. According to him, the hasty conclusion of the American military and their allies added many new problems. The diplomat noted that Washington can not be “just withdrawing responsibility and wash his hands.”

/Media reports.