Ambassador of Russia revealed perpetrators in expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria

The decision of Bulgaria about the expulsion of Russian diplomats is the United States. This was stated by the Russian ambassador to Eleonora Mitrofanov, reports RIA Novosti.

Diplomat noted that this was not an independent initiative of Sofia. “Who among the big brother stands behind these days? This is, of course, the Americans who, apparently, set the task to squeeze Russia from all spheres of Bulgarian life,” she revealed.

According to Mitrofanova, Washington is guilty of underlying bilateral relations between Russia and Bulgaria. At the same time, she stressed that two countries are associated with the general historical past, so the American side will not be able to achieve its goals.

In April, Bulgaria announced one of the employees of the Russian diplomacy person to Non Grata. At the same time, the countries of the country asked Moscow to assist in the investigation of explosions on armory warehouses that occurred from 2011 to 2020, in involvement in which the Russian side suspected. Wines of accused Russian citizens have not been proven.

/Media reports.