Release desktop Lumina 1.6.1

After the one-and-half-annual closure in the development of published Reception of the desktop environment lumina 1.6.1 , developed after the termination of the development of Trueos as part of the Trident project (Distribution of Void Linux). Environment components written using the QT5 library (without the use of QML). Lumina adheres to the classic approach to the organization of the User Environment. The composition includes a desktop, application panel, session manager, application menu, environmental parameter settings system, task manager, system tray, virtual desktop system. The project code is written in C ++ and spreads under a BSD license.

Fluxbox is used as a window manager. The project also develops its own Insight file manager with such features as tab support for simultaneous operation with multiple directories, accumulation of links to selected directories in the bookmarks section, the presence of a built-in multimedia player and viewer viewer with slideshow support, means for controlling ZFS Snaps, support connecting external handler plugins.

From changes in a new release, the error correction and the inclusion of developments associated with the support of the design are recorded. Including the default is involved a new design of the design developed by the Trident project.
The dependences are included with the theme pictograms La Capitaine .

/Media reports.