Military spending will enter second place in budget of Russia

In 2022, military expenses in Russia will exceed 3.5 trillion rubles. This follows from the explanatory note to the budget project for 2022-2024, with which RBC familiarized himself.

Defense expenditures will enter the second place in the budget next year. 3,46 trillion rubles will be directed to the economy, and social policy will remain – more than 5.8 trillion rubles.

How does RBC drawn, the federal budget expenditures under the section “National Defense” in 2022 again exceed the indicators of the section “National Economics” after two years of advantage. In 2020, the costs of the economy for the first time since 2014 were ahead of the defense. At the same time, as follows from the portal “Electronic budget”, this year, the Ministry of Finance plans to spend more than 3.6 trillion rubles according to this section against 3.4 trillion rubles for defense.

/Media reports.