Lukashenko revealed details of KGB special operation in Minsk

Employees of the State Security Committee (KGB), held in Minsk a special operation on the capture of persons involved in terrorism on September 28, were in civil uniform without special protection tools so as not to scare around. Details of the special operation, during which one employee of the intelligence agency died and the suspect, revealed the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, his words leads BelTA.

He reported that the security forces did not want their appearance to cause the negative reaction of citizens. At the same time, he added, in the form of the police who were present in the fulfillment of a special operation.

The Belarusian leader noted that he himself was surprised by such a position of the security forces, but it was their personal initiative. “It’s hard to condemn them for it. Just the guys did not want once again as they say, glow, defending people,” replied Lukashenko to reproach the public about the course of special operation.

September 28 became aware of the fatal injury of the KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk, who participated in the special operation “on the development of addresses, which could be persons involved in terrorist activities.”

When trying to penetrate one of the apartments, the Silovik was fired by the 31-year-old Andrei Zeltser, who was there with his wife, who took the chamber. The man was eliminated by the ruling fire by law enforcement officers. His spouse was detained.

October 1, a farewell ceremony was held with the dead officer of the KGB of Belarus, at which the head of state promised not to leave with impunity of people who dealt the memory of the deceased security forces, and threatened them with arrests.

/Media reports.