Hundreds of Afghan refugees left US databases without documents

Hundreds of refugees from Afghanistan left military bases in several US states, where they were temporarily placed after evacuation, without waiting for the design of the necessary migration documents. Reports about it Reuters.

According to the agency, at least 700 Afghans left the camps without documents, and their number continues to grow. At the same time, the US authorities for a long time did not advertise this problem, because of which the situation was only aggravated. Thus, people found themselves in another country without the possibility of employment, receiving medical care and adaptation in society.

According to an anonymous representative of the US Migration Service, it will take several years to resolve the consequences of such a crisis. “It can lead to long years of terrible problems with immigration status,” he clarified. It is noted that Afghan refugees do not violate the law, leaving the base, since the military is not entitled to keep them anywhere against the will.

September 23, two refugees from Afghanistan accused of crimes they committed after arriving at the Military Bases Fort Makka in Wisconsin. The 20-year-old Bakhruulla Nuri is accused of sexual crimes against two juvenile girls under the age of 16. 32-year-old Mohammad Harun Imaad attacked his spouse and tried to strangle her.

/Media reports.