China sent 25 military aircraft to Taiwan airspace

The Republic of China (Taiwan) for the second time in a month is forced to raise military aircraft into the air, as China sent 25 aircraft to the country’s airspace. Reports about it Reuters.

Chinese People’s Liberation Army (NAK) involved in operation two H-6 bombers capable of carrying nuclear charges, anti-submarine aircraft, 18 J-16 fighters, as well as four Su-30 fighters.

Taipei complains that Beijing is increasingly conducting mission near the island, and NAK fighters are constantly invaded in the identification zone of the Taiwan air defense area.

Earlier on September 6, the Chinese government sent 19 aircraft on the eve of the annual military exercises organized by Taipem on the eve of the annual military exercises organized by Taipem.

On August 10, the authorities of the Republic of China (Taiwan) stated that from September 13 to September 18, military teachings “Han Kuan” will be held with the participation of all kinds of troops. President Taiwan Tsai Yin-Wen stated that the island will be focused on increasing the possibilities of asymmetric war against the Chinese threat.

On August 18, the PRC government worked out a large-scale script for Taiwan’s seizure. The exercises are organized in response to US provocations in the South China Sea.

/Media reports.