Young Engineers of RCC awarded “Orbit of Youth” award

Holding experts “Russian Space Systems” (RCS, enters the state corporation “Roskosmos”) became laureates of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technical works “Youth Orbit” 2021. The development of young scientists of the RCC will speed up and reduce the maintenance of satellites and improve telemetry systems of spacecraft.

Laureates of the first award in the competitive section “Development of Rocket and Space Industry and Production Technologies” were specialist RCS Natalia Veremayev and an employee of the National Research University Maie Daria Zhgut for the work “The operational diagnosis of the mechanical properties of metal materials by the method of instrumental inflation in the rocket-space instrument making” .

Structural analysis of structural analysis team Natalia Veremayeva: “In this paper, the results of the development of techniques and equipment to determine the complex of mechanical properties of modern metal materials used in the space industry are presented. The method allows you to determine the properties of the material without its destruction. This is significantly Reduces material and temporary costs of conducting input quality control. “

The third premium in the section “Flight Dynamics, Design Ballistics, Navigation and Rocket and Space Technician Management System” Awarded Young Scientists RCS – Leading Engineer Researcher Software-Mathematical Support, Development of other information and computing devices Dmitry Klimov and Development Group Specialized subsystems, software and mathematical support and conjugation devices Ilshat Gubaidullin. Their work “The direction of the development of video and video telemetric systems in the products of the rocket and space industry” is devoted to the effectiveness of integration into telemetry systems of satellites of video monitoring systems using machine vision.

Dmitry Klimov researcher: “Such systems, firstly, come to replace the sensors in the areas of space technology, where the average temperature exceeds 1200-1500 K, for example, in the area of ​​the outer shell of carrier missiles. Secondly, allow Avoid non-fulfillment of commands in the implementation of any processes, for example, incomplete disclosure of solar panels, the rotation of the antennas that lead to abnormal or emergency situations. In turn, the system of machine vision, and subsequently – neural network will allow fully automate the entire process. “

VII All-Russian youth scientific and practical conference “Orbit of Youth” and the prospects for the development of Russian cosmonautics “, organized by the state corporation” Roscosmos “and MSTU. N.E. Bauman, passed from May 24 to September 24, 2021 in Moscow.

/Media reports.