Swiss will pay for declination of acquaintances for vaccination from Covid-19

The Federal Council of Switzerland will begin financially to encourage citizens for the declination of relatives, friends and acquaintances for vaccination from coronavirus. This is reported on the website of the State Body.

The government said that “everyone can help convince a friend, a neighbor, a colleague on work and family member in the advantages of vaccinations from COVID-19” to increase the general rate of vaccination of the population. At the same time, all vaccinated swiss will be able to name the name of a person who convinced them to be vaccinated, and it will pay 50 francs as gratitude from the state.

It is noted that citizens will receive a coupon for the specified amount. At the moment, the authorities determine where it can be applied. It is assumed that the coupon can be paid in cinema, restaurants and other areas of leisure. The federal council stressed that cooperation in the fight against the pandemic deserves such award.

Earlier, the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros, Adan Hebresus, declared the “terrible inequality” in access to the Vaccines from COVID-19 in the world. He said that almost a third of the planet’s population was completely vaccinated from Coronavirus, a total of more than six billion doses of drugs was introduced.

/Media reports.