Economic Plan of Byyden recognized USA harmful to values

Republicans in the US Senate did not approve the draft President Joe Bayden to implement the economic support of the population, reports FOX. The party does not recognize his ideas because it believes that the creation of the “state of universal well-being” harms American values ​​and contradicts the social doctrine about the promotion of labor.

Opponents of the BUILD BACK BETTER initiative argue that subsidies of low-income families will destroy the national idea of ​​the inseparable interconnection of labor and welfare. According to the conservatives offered by Biden’s social reforms, among which the payment of cash benefits, the expansion of medical insurance, universal pre-school and free vocational education will reduce the importance of labor income and deprive people incentive to actively participate in the economy. The lack of the need to work and earn a decent life for himself and their children will reduce the economic motivation of families, hurts a small business and will lead to an increase in voluntary unemployment.

“This plan will cancel the tax benefits for children in the form in which we know them, replacing them with social benefits without any necessary conditions regarding the work, – Posted in his article for New York Post Member of the House of Representatives Republican Kevin McCarthy. – Republicans believe that the family is the basis of a strong society, so we supported the expansion of tax benefits for children in the past. But we also know that the work puts the goal, and the government will not be able to create a replacement for work and labor earnings. “

In early March of this year, the Congress Senate approved the first social bill of Byyden with a transcendence into one voice. On March 31, the US head proposed a comprehensive plan for the modernization of the infrastructure, which is currently negotiating. A new package of reforms, designed for 3.5 trillion dollars, has already caused disagreements in the government, including among the members of the Democratic Party, which the President submits.

/Media reports.