A friend of royal family agreed to extradition in US in case of rape

Head of the Fashion Corporation Nygard International Peter Nyugard, which is a friend of the British Royal Family, agreed to extradite in the United States in the United States for sex trading. About it reports The Washington Post.

It is known that the US police presented the 80-year-old Finnish-Canadian millionth of the charges of rape, sexual harassment and trafficking in persons, including minors. In December 2020, Canadian law enforcement officers detained Nygard in Winnipeg and entered into custody.

Lawyer of Entrepreneur Brian Greenspan stressed that his client signed an extradition agreement form to appear before the American Court. The statement of the lawyer confirmed Nyugard during the hearing in his case, which took place on Friday, October 1, in Winnipeg.

It is noted that the process of transferring the US authorities has not yet been completed, since the final decision on this issue should be adopted by the Minister of Justice of Canada David Lamemetti (David Lametti).

Peter Nyugard – a friend of a member of the royal family of Prince Andrew, committed crimes against women, including adolescents for 20 years. To the collective claim against a millionaire join 89 victims.

According to the document, the nuigard lured the victims of the victims to his mansion on the bugs, promising to arrange in a modeling agency, and then declined to sex. Among the plaintiffs were adolescents aged 14 years.

In February 2020, Peter Nigard was deprived of work due to charges. It was reported that the businessman left the post of Director of Nygard at his own request, having lost the right to own the company.

/Media reports.