At Embassy of Belarus in Vienna, there was a special operation due to threat of terrorism

Embassy of Belarus in Vienna received information about the threat of mining, after which, on the territory of the diplomatic representation, the Austrian police officers conducted a special operation. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Police Representative Christopher Vernalek.

According to a law enforcement, all actions to eliminate terrorist threats were carried out in harmony with Belarusian diplomats. Vernak noted that after the search for the entire territory of the Embassy, ​​the threat of mining was not confirmed. He also added that investigators of the Federal Office of the Vienna on the Protection of the Constitution and the fight against terrorism investigate the circumstances of this incident.

The words of the police officer Vienna confirmed the official representative of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Anatoly Eye. “A number of Belarusian clutches by e-mail received a message about mining,” he said, adding that the threats were false.

October 1 Anonymous report on the laid explosion device at the Belarusian Embassy also received the militia of the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The internal affairs management of the country later reported that the information turned out to be false.

Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made several statements regarding threats to the national security of the state. In particular, he expressed confidence that the pro-Western media, non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NPOs and NGOs) operated on the territory of the republic, were engaged in terrorist activities under democratic slogans and sought to undermine public stability in Belarus.

/Media reports.