AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Human Rightserter of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Agnes Callamar accused a number of Western countries in the fact that they show egoism, without refusing the rights to intellectual property on vaccines against COVID-19. Her words leads TASS.
“A bunch of rich governments continues to carry out a monopoly for the supply of vaccines [from COVID-19] and at the same time consistently counteracts attempts to terminate the rights to intellectual property [on vaccine],” said Callamar. According to her, the United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland and the European Union, including Germany, do not refuse intellectual property rights, while other countries continue to spend time and water.
In her opinion, rich countries need to act now to save many lives. She also believes that pharmaceutical companies behaved “shameful,” since the sake of increasing profits they increased prices, carried out a monopoly on intellectual property, prevented the transfer of technologies and the aggressive lobbying campaign. “Greed takes over the life and human rights,” she said.
Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that European states must cease to politicize the approval of Russian vaccines from coronavirus. According to the diplomat, the West biases the Russian preparations from COVID-19. He stressed that the contacts of scientists should be “most professional”.