NASA failed to create new scaffolds

After many years of attempts to create new spacecraft to enter the limits of the International Space Station (ISS) and work on the lunar surface under the Artemis program, the NASA has been searching for space equipment developers among private companies, Asstechnica writes.

The publication notes that the creation of spacecraft for these programs, the American Space Agency was engaged in the last 14 years, spending 420 million dollars. After NASA failed to develop the required cosmic equipment, the agency appealed “for innovations” to the private sector.

ARSTECHNICA writes that the NASA expects to spend more than 1 billion dollars for designing, testing and certifying spaces before two of them are fully prepared for operation. The publication admits that by 2024, when the United States plans for the first time to plant a woman on the moon, the equipment will not be prepared.

In July, the General Designer of the Zvezda Research and Production Enterprise Sergey Pozdnyakov said that at the current ISS Spacks “Orlan-MKS” approaches the expiration date.

In May RIA Novosti, referring to the negotiations of the ISS crew with the Earth, reported that the Russian cosmonaut Peter Dubrov at the International Space Station with the help of a rubber lining was repaired with a jade with a leaf.

/Media reports.