Details of escape of former President of Afghanistan revealed

Former President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani fled from the country in the UAE through the territory of Uzbekistan. The details of the escape leads the local newspaper Hasht E Subh Daily.

According to the publication, first an ex-leader of Afghanistan, its assistants and guards used four service helicopters provided for the use of the head of state and its environment in emergency cases. As the source of the newspaper told, 54 people arrived at the Uzbek city, including 22 pilots and 22 President’s bodyguard. At the same time, no one had passports on board, and several people had only military tickets from the documents.

At Termez Airport, Gani spent 31 hours. All this time, he was under the protection of 200 military personnel of Uzbekistan. On the afternoon of August 16, the ex-president and his surroundings moved to a small plane without any symbolism. According to the portal FLIGHTRADAR, the liner belonged to the Kazakhstan airline FlyJet. “On a plane for the first time in 28 o’clock we got some water and food,” the representative of the Environment of Gani shared.

According to him, the UAE officials said that the accompanying Ghani does not have the impossibility of living in the country. The interlocutor of the publication also added that since landing in Abu Dhabi did not see the former head of state, no other officials.

Earlier in the Pentagon, the location of the ex-president of Afghanistan was suggested. According to the head of the department of Lloyd Austin, Gani went to the United Arab Emirates.

May 1 began the official conclusion of US troops and the North Atlantic Alliance countries from the Afghan territories. After that, the situation in the country aggravated. On August 15, the militants “Taliban” announced the establishment of control over the entire territory of Afghanistan. On the same day, President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country. According to some information, before Escape, the ex-president stole a large amount of money from the Afghan budget.

/Media reports.