Results of Spectr-RG Observatory at Memory Conference DA Warshalovich in FTI named after A.F. Ioffe

Reports on the results of the Russian Observatory “Spectr-RG” at the conference “Physics and Astrophysics – from fundamental constants to cosmology”, dedicated to the memory of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Varshalovich (14.08.1934 – 21.04.2020) in FTI name. A.F. Ioffe (September 27 – 28, 2021, St. Petersburg).

  • R.A. Syunyan. New results and plans of the SRG orbital Observatory: from the stars in X-ray to quasars, clusters of galaxies and cosmology
  • M.R. Gilfan. Results of the SRG / Erosite telescope: sky cards, distant quasars and extragalactic transients
  • A.A. Lutovinov. Review of the results of the ART-XC telescope. M.N. Pavlin’s on board spectrum-RG
  • E.M. Churazov, I.I. Khabibullin, A.M. Bykov, N.N. Chugai, R.A. Sunyev, I.I. Zinchenko. The remainder of the outbreak of supernova in hot gas Galo of our galaxy
  • S.Yu. Sazonov. The first events of tidal destruction, open during the review of all the sky of the SRG Observatory
  • S.A. Grebenlev, R.A. Syunyan. Lowering the brightness of the cosmic x-ray and soft gamma background in the direction on the accumulation of galaxies

/Media reports.