UK: military will attract fuel to gas station

In the framework of action to solve the fuel crisis in the UK, the military will attract the fuel delivery to the gas station. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Defense Ben Wallace. His words lead RT.

According to the minister, due to the lack of fuel at gas stations, the power will attract up to 200 military to deliver. Wallace stressed that the armed forces are ready to fill any “critical vacancies” until the situation stabilizes.

The Military has already begun to pass courses on driving tank truck throughout the territory of the United Kingdom. It is also planned to use a reserve fleet of fuel trucks.

Earlier it was reported that the United Kingdom’s authorities could attract an army to combat fuel deficit. A serious shortage of truck drivers led to the fact that the UK lacks fuel due to the delay of supply. The situation caused panic from motorists. Lack of truckers arose due to the exit of Britain from the EU. Many migrants have not returned to the United Kingdom.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised the weakening of the fuel crisis in the country. The politician stated that the situation was stabilized at the gas station, so people should be calm and “do our own business.”

/Media reports.