Open influence of temporary abandonment of alcohol on body

Director of the Medical Services of the Digital Center Livi Harriet Bradley (Harriet Bradley) revealed how the temporary refusal to eat alcoholic beverages affects the human body. This is reported by the issue of Daily Mail.

According to the physician, the lack of alcoholic beverages in the diet has a beneficial effect on the body. In the first week, sleep becomes stronger, and also improves performance. In the second week, the person has an acid reflux in the stomach and restores the water balance. The fact is that alcohol leads to dehydration, which is reflected in well-being and appearance, for example, the skin becomes dry. In the third week, the metabolism is normalized and the weight is reduced, and the blood pressure also stabilizes, the liver will begin to recover.

“To stop drinking alcohol regularly, it is better to find the root cause. But in any case, you can show yourself as a volitional person, what will affect your health. In principle, you can distinguish from non-drinking eyes, such people are noticeably different. “,” Medic told. However, according to the doctor, a glass of wine helps reduce the level of stress and comput negative feelings.

Earlier, the Russian radio officer Roman Ilyich from Tyumen said that he refused to alcohol more than three months, and surprised users at how after that his appearance changed. On your page in twitter Ilyich showed photos before and after abandoning alcohol.

/Media reports.