Chinese residents declared Putin world sex symbol

The inhabitants of China drew attention to the strong health of the Russian president Vladimir Putin and called him a global sex symbol, write about it in the WECHAT Chinese social network.

As the Chinese noted, Putin is a dream of millions of women around the world, as it has charm and leads a healthy lifestyle. It is loved not only the Russians, but also many foreigners. “The reason why the Russian president in 69 years can boast of strong health, closely connected with his love for sport. The conclusion suggests itself: you want to have a healthy body – pay attention to physical exercises,” they revealed the secret of the success of the Russian leader.

In addition, the Chinese appreciated the Russian bath. According to them, this is a place where Russians beat each other with a broom and enjoy.

Putin often surprises Russians with good health. In September 2021, he rested in the Siberian Taiga, where she walked in the forest, fishing and lived in a tent. In January, the President of Russia plunged into the hole, taking part in Epiphany bathing.

/Media reports.