Lukashenko told about connections of Belarusian labor movement with FBI

The special services of Belarus will continue to be active to identify those involved in the terrorist activities. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, transfers BelTA.

According to him, at the moment there are already several hundred detainees suspected of terrorism, are in the SIZO to Obsessine and give confessions. In this regard, the Belarusian leader recalled the cleaning of those who prepared terrorist attacks in Belarus of non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs and NPOs) and the media, during which their direct connection with the US intelligence services was revealed.

“This” Islamic state “(the terrorist group” Islamic state “is prohibited in Russia) the cells of the European spill on the territory of Belarus, they have direct contacts with the FBI,” said Lukashenko. In particular, he stressed, under suspicion fellow workers The movement of the “working ruh”, with whom the head of state was confident, was connected by the employee of the State Security Committee (KGB) Andrei Zeltser. Lukashenko also added that such cells consisted of several people who sought to “blow up labor collectives from the inside.”

September 28 became aware of the fatal injury of the KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk, who participated in the special operation “on the development of addresses, which could be persons involved in terrorist activities.”

In July, in Belarus, they began to lead an active struggle against pro-Western media operating in the country, as well as NPOs and NGOs. Lukashenko then explained that all these organizations were financed from the outside and under the mask of democracy tried to split the civil society of Belarus.

/Media reports.