Accused of rape workers WHO called on to pay

The World Health Organization (WHO) urge to pay reparation victims of violence, which employees of the organization mocked. This is reported by Edition The Guardian.

With this requirement, in particular, activist and human rights activist from Congo Julien Luzange (Julienne Lusenge). “The issue of paying reparations is very, very important. [The victims of rapes] were born children, the girls themselves still feel bad. We believe that you need to develop a program of their support,” said Luzanzh.

The fact that WHO employees are supposed to be involved in rape committed in Central Africa during a mission to combat hemorrhagic Ebola fever, it became known on September 28. A total of 83 people are involved in the alleged acts of sexual violence, the charges were charged 21 WHO employee. The most sexual scandal about the violence of a sexual nature associated with the UN Institution in recent years.

/Media reports.