Dedicated beverages with a sugar substitute

Researchers from the United States showed that the sugar-substituent sukralosis of drinks can enhance the appetite and feeling of hunger in women and people with obesity. The work of scientists is published in Jama Network Open.

Despite the widespread prevalence of products with sugar substitutes, consensus relative to the harm or use of their use among scientists and doctors is still not. In the experiment of researchers from the University of Southern California, 74 people for three visits after 12-hour starvation drank 300 millilitres of drinks sweetened by lozrozo (ordinary sugar) and sugarose, respectively, as well as water. Among the participants broken into three groups – with healthy weight, overweight and with obesity – was equally poroving men and women.

Two hours in people using functional magnetic tomography (FMRT), the activation of the brain regions participating in the regulation of appetite was measured by the level of glucose, insulin and other metabolic hormones in the blood, and also evaluated the number of food eaten in the buffet equipped nearby.

Data Analysis FMRT showed that the activity of the areas of the brain associated with the feeling of hunger was raised in two groups – women and people with obesity that firing drinks with sucralose. In addition, all groups of people who used the sugar substitute observed a decrease in the level of saturation hormones. Drinking with sucralose women eaten more food in the buffet – which, however, was not marked in men.

/Media reports.