Traditional cars will prevent electrocarbars to capture world

By 2045, the electrocars will not capture the world, and in the market the dominant position will still be held traditional cars with an internal combustion engine (ICE). To this conclusion in its long-term forecast of World Oil Outlook, the organization of countries – exporters of oil (OPEC) came, excerpts from the document leads MarketWatch.

On CCS cars will have about 76 percent of the world park, which is expected to grow almost twice as a 2.6 billion cars. The proportion of electrocars will be about 20 percent – there will be about 500 million them in the world. Traditional cars will retain the dominant position in the world market due to developing countries, where demand will increase on car MAKS, and not such a strict, as in the EU, controlling carbon dioxide emissions does not prevent production.

At the same time, the electrification of transport will be faster than the OPEC was supposed in last year’s report. The organization also noted that the crisis because of a pandemic hit on the automotive industry as a whole, was not strongly affected by the electric vehicle.

In Bloomberg, they predicted that by 2040, at least two-thirds of all sales on world car market, and the sales of electrocarbers will increase from three million in 2020 to 66 million in 2040. Among the reasons for the growing popularity of electric transport – continuous increase in battery power, price reduction, infrastructure development, as well as encouragement of environmentally friendly transport.

At the same time, the head of the division of development and electric mobility Volkswagen Thomas Ulbrich predicted machines on the engine. He noticed that by 2025, when the European Union reduces the permissible carbon dioxide emissions of 10 times, the electric vehicles will bypass traditional cars.

/Media reports.