Available Release Alt 9.2 Workstation K. The traditional features of this option are the delivery of the KDE graphics environment and binary NVIDIA drivers. The distribution is also provided by a graphical interface for setting up the system, including authentication (including via Active Directory and LDAP / Kerberos), installation and time synchronization, user management, groups, view system logs and add printers.
Assembly prepared for the X86_64 architecture in The form of the installation (4.5 GB) and the Live image (3.2 GB) – http , Rsync, Yandex mirror. The product is supplied under the license agreement, which provides the possibility of free use by individuals, but legal entities allowed only testing, and for use you need to purchase a commercial license or conclude a licensed contract in writing (reason).
Basic innovations in Alt Workstation to 9.2
- Updated:
- mesa-21.0
- Added:
- Modules settings for several simultaneous jobs on one computer.
- Support Freedesktop Secrets API in Kwallet.
- Ability to install LightDM as a login manager.
- Realtek 8852ae Wireless Wireless Drivers.
- Protection from removing important packages with the APT-GET Autoremove command.
- the FUSE-EXFAT layer is excluded, as EXFAT support appeared in the kernel.
- messaging programs except PSI.
- Fixed:
- Node name when installing is assigned to a Windows network compatible.
- in Okular improved display of digital signatures of GOST format for PDF.