Form of Chinese schoolchildren equipped with chips for tracking

In one of the initial schools of Zhuhukha in China, within the framework of the experiment, the shape of students with microchips was equipped. This is reported by France info.

A peculiar digital form allows teachers and parents to track the movement of children and know exactly how long the schoolboy spent in the dining room or toilet. In case the child is in an unsafe area, the system sends a signal to mobile phone adults.

The innovation was rated ambiguously. Some parents compared the system with a surveillance for criminals using electronic bracelets.

China is a leader in the introduction of video surveillance cameras. In some schools, the chambers are installed cameras in classrooms, which allows tracking not only attendance, but also the attentiveness of students in the lessons.

Previously, the authorities of China have reduced the time that minors can carry out video games. Now children under 18 can carry out games no more than three hours a week. Minors are available to hour time hours on Friday, weekends and holidays.

/Media reports.