Political analyst told “the losers” leading on voting in Bundestag Party

German political scientist Alexander Rar called the “loser” Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG) and a block of Christian-Democratic and Christian Social Unions (XDS / HSS), leading in elections to the Bundestag. His words report RIA Novosti.

“They both lost,” – stated RAR. In his opinion, XDS / HCS suffered a defeat this time, and the SDPG – either eight years ago, since they previously supported about 40 percent of the country’s inhabitants, and now about 25 percent. “These two parties alternated in managing Germany for 60 years after the war. They created democratic Germany,” the political analyst reminded.

According to the rar, SDPG and XDS lost their electorate and lost the status of folk parties, as they do not correspond to the political spirit of the time. “Germany goes to completely different political times, where governments will need to be created with three, and then, possibly, four parties,” he suggested.

According to preliminary data from the Federal Election Commission of Germany, the SDPG is gaining 25.7 percent of the votes, XDS / CSS – 24.8 percent. According to the previously published results of exitpols, the leadership held the Social Democrats (26 percent of the votes), and the XDS / HSS unit received only 24 percent.

/Media reports.