Germany: released collection teddy bears in image of Merkel

The company from Germany Hermann-Spielwaren decided to make a pleasant surprise leaving the post after 16 years in power of Angela Merkel and release collective teddy bears in its image. About it reports The Washington Post.

The circulation of exclusive toys amounted to only 500 copies, each has a hairstyle, like a chancellor, necklace from beads in the colors of the German flag. Pleasants with growth of about 40 centimeters are dressed in a red jacket, reminding Merkel’s favorite clothes.

The owner of the company Martin Hermann said that the bears were made in a traditional style, their paws are folded in such a way as to show the signature gesture of the chancellor folded by a house. Businessman added that he himself is a fan of Merkel and highly appreciates its activities during all crises experienced by Germany during its leadership.

Toys attracted the attention of collectors from different countries. The order was sent to the United States and other countries, one of the bears is planned to give Merkel after elections. For buyers price toys is about 221 dollars (about 16 thousand rubles).

Elections in the Bundestag will be held in Germany on September 26. After that, the elected deputies will choose a new chancellor. This time Merkel will not claim this post. Previously, she said that after leaving the Chancellor’s post, he will stay in Berlin and Ukkermark, where she has an apartment and a country house.

/Media reports.