Germany: allowed “Northern Flow-2” stop due to rare lizards

The launch of the “Northern Flow-2” can be broken due to the actions of the Green Party. This was announced in an interview with “Alternative for German party for Germany” Tino Krpalla.

“What” green “will try to torpes” Northern Stream-2 “, did not have a surprise. However, they could not be prevented by completing the project. Now it is necessary to find out whether it will be able to put it so much to put into operation. I will be skeptical As long as the first gas does not go through the pipeline, “said the gorup.

Politician made that “green” can “detect near the pipeline family of rare lizards” and for the sake of animal protection to stop its commissioning.

Earlier, the co-chairman of the “Union-90” / “Green” Annala Berbock, applying to the post of Chancellor of Germany, promised to oppose the “Northern Flow-2” and prevent gas supply.

On September 10, it was announced the end of the construction of the “Northern Flow-2”. Two gas pipeline threads go from Russia to Germany for the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The capacity of the gas pipeline is 55 billion cubic meters per year. Before starting gas pumping, it is necessary to conduct commissioning work, as well as certify the highway. Bloomberg sources argue that shipments may begin on October 1, but in the Bundestage doubt it.

/Media reports.