Financier predicted a refusal of money in Russia

Chairman of the Association “Electronic Money” Victor Sandov in an interview with Radio Sputnik said that the Russians were increasingly started to abandon cash bills in favor of non-cash payment.

At the same time, the financier predicted that, despite such a tendency, part of the “tangible” Denen remains in Russia. “In major settlements, we have practically a rejection of cash,” he stressed, noting that on average the number of cashless payments exceeds 70 percent, and this trend continues to develop, that is, cash will be less and less.

According to the credit, such a tendency appeared due to coronavirus, since the role of non-cash payments during a pandemic increased. This trend indicates almost a complete refusal to “tangible” money in favor of “virtual”.

However, some cash Russians will continue to apply. These include large bills and a trifle, which children are given or used for tips.

Earlier, the first deputy chairman of the Board of Sberbank, Alexander Lamunts, predicted almost a complete refusal of Russians from bank plastic cards by 2025. According to him, many Russians refuse cash, the share of completely non-cash clients has grown to date almost up to half of 25 percent in 2014.

/Media reports.