UN Secretary General warned of nuclear destruction of world

UN Secretary-General Anthony Guterris warned that humanity is too close to the threshold of nuclear destruction. This is reported by TASS.

According to the Secretary General, now about 14 thousand nuclear weapons are stored worldwide. “It’s time to dispel a cloud of nuclear conflict, destroy nuclear weapons in the world, open a new era of trust and peace,” he said.

On September 24, the US Deputy State Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security of Bonnie Jenkins stated that the United States renews the Support of the Comprehensive Nuclear Proceeding Treaty (CTBT). Jenkins noted that this would require the consent of the Senate and recognized the “seriousness of the difficulties that lie on the way to this purpose.”

A comprehensive prohibition of nuclear tests was concluded in 1996. To join the CTBT, it is necessary to ratify 44 states. To date, it was signed by 185 countries and ratified 170 of them. However, a number of countries, including the United States and China, have not yet ratified it, unlike Russia, which did it in 2000.

/Media reports.