Afghan refugees attacked a soldier woman in USA

Refugees from Afghanistan attacked a soldier woman in Fort Blisse camp in New Mexico. This is reported by NBC News.

The attack was committed by a small group of evacuated men. It is not specified that they are Afghans, but the woman underwent attacked worked with refugees from Afghanistan.

Details of the attack and the degree of injury to the victim is not yet. The army strengthened patrol in the camp, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) opened the case.

On September 23, other two refugees escaped from Afghanistan, accused of crimes they committed after arriving at the Military Bases Fort Makka in Wisconsin. The 20-year-old Bakhruulla Nuri is accused of sexual crimes against two juvenile girls under the age of 16. 32-year-old Mohammad Harun Imaad attacked his spouse and tried to strangle her.

/Media reports.