In Belarusian 26-year-old spouses, Anastasia Kruznich Kondratyev and Sergey Bruvezovo, in a row, put under the administrative arrest of the personal correspondence in Telegram. It is reported by the Human Rights Center “Spring”.
Husband and wife do not leave the insulator for 84 days in a row. The security forces detained them in early July, the phones seized and discovered the repairs with the “extremist” telegram channels in personal correspondence. Soon, young people were sent by the court to the arrest, however, in the insulator, they again compiled a protocol on the same episodes, but already other channels.
The first thing, the Spouses had to be released on September 25, but two days before the 13th day of arrest again received. This is the sixth case in a row, when young people are placed in custody. “It is known that after detaining the family on one of the proviscial channels, an intelligent video with Anastasia appeared. Propagandist [Gregory] Azarenok argued that she sent personal data of children of police officers to the extremist channel,” the human rights defenders say.
Previously, the court in Belarus began to consider a criminal case against a 22-year-old rapper. He wants to put for four years for the “offensive” song about the President of Alexander Lukashenko. The man himself believes that she collided with the revenge of the security forces.