Dozens of Afghans were in danger due to leakage of data from British by evacuation

The network has leaked data to the British Ministry of Defense, which contained the electronic addresses of the tens of Afghans, who had to evacuate to the United Kingdom. It reports Al Jazeera.

We are talking about 55 people who were in danger due to the mistake of one of the British officials. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense have already commented on the situation in conversation with Al Jazeera: According to them, the victims already brought apologies, they will be provided with additional support (which particular, not specified).

A number of countries completed the evacuation of their citizens from Afghanistan after August 15 “Taliban” (the movement is recognized as terrorist and prohibited in the Russian Federation) announced the seizure of power throughout the country. Some countries still continue to evacuation, this time – among the Afghans themselves, who are threatened with danger. So, at the end of September, Israel and the UAE held the first joint operation, within which women were evacuated from Afghanistan.

/Media reports.