Biden planned to equip Guantanamo to place migrants

US President Joe Bayiden is looking for a private contractor for defrosting the center for the maintenance of migrants at the Guantanamo Naval Base. Reports about it The Hill.

In the idea of ​​the government, the center will have to take 20 people daily, but the contractor needs to equip it for the daily arrival of 120 people. It is planned that everything in Guantanamo can be accommodated up to 400 migrants in the event of a sharp increase in migration flow.

Contractor will have to provide stock of tents and cribs. In the center it is planned to open 50 vacancies. From ten percent of applicants are expected to free possession of Spanish and Haitian Creole. According to the US Department of Internal Security, before its closure in 2017, the Center for decades was used to keep illegal migrants.

Earlier, the Governor of Texas Greg Abbot called President Baiden to introduce an emergency mode due to a sharp influx of refugees from Haiti to the state territory. Migrants arrived through Mexico to Del Rio’s border city. Decorated documents by border services, they wait, living under the automobile bridge.

/Media reports.