In China, the Kalashnikov AK-12 automaton was rated, which he entered the armament of the Russian military. In the publication, Sohu emphasized the significance of such a step.
“everyone talks about hypersonic rockets, but few remember that the Russian infantrymen appeared a AK-12 machine. And this is a significant update,” writes the author of the material.
In August RIA Novosti, referring to the press service of the Central Military District reported the strengthening of the Russian military base in Tajikistan new weapons. Russian servicemen received automata AK-12, new sniper rifles of ASVK-M, flamets and portable anti-aircraft missile systems “Verba”.
Initially, the AK-12 automaton was presented in 2012. The development of “Izhmash” was based on the decisions of previous versions of AK, but was a fundamentally new model. The machine failed during the tests under the program “Warrior”. In 2016, presented a revised model with an index 6P70, which was upgraded in 2020. The modified automaton was adopted.
The main difference of AK-12 from the past machines of the series has become worked out ergonomics. So, the automatic has received a telescopic butt and a pistol handle, and standard stores gave way to models with an indicator of the amount of ammunition. Also engineers upgraded sighting devices.
previously became known about the features of the upgraded version of AK-12, intended for special forces. AK-12SP received a new double-sided fuse-translator of fire modes and a trunks, increasing the rigidity of the attachment of sights.