Symposium on establishment of ICA within scientific readings Tsiolkovsky

Today, September 21, 2021, in the city of Kaluga in the framework of the 56’s scientific readings in memory of KE Tsiolkovsky was opened organized by Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIImash, is a member of the state corporation “Roscosmos”) the V Symposium “Modern Problems of creation of Russian small spacecraft (mAb) and their use for scientific and socio-economic objectives”.

The work of the scientific forum was opened by the performance of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium, the general designer of unmanned space systems and complexes – Deputy General Director Victor TsNIImash Hartova. He spoke about the current state and perspectives of small satellites (ICA), noting the importance of the involvement of the private sector organizations.

“The first launches CubeSat were rather important fact of the run, as it was with the first satellite in 1957. Then they began to supply measurement, verification of some technical solutions, and today we are already seeing examples of commercial . application, allowing users to receive the latest information we see the evolutionary path, when the prestige of the mission reach the application and commercial applications “, – said Victor Hart

at the end of his speech he noted that Russia is now very much. the number of companies willing to set up small spacecraft and stated the importance of the support of university, academic and private groups involved in the theme of small spacecraft. During the debate, scientists and specialists of the leading enterprises of the rocket and space industry shared their experience in the use of domestic small satellites, discussed the main areas of application of different systems in the ICA, objectives and intermediate results of research projects of the Russian MKA, their means of deployment, development trends based on ICA systems and much more.

In particular, the acting Chief scientific secretary TsNIImash Valery Klyushnikov described the ICA as the demonstrators advanced space technologies, noting the advantages of using small devices for testing technologies used in the creation of satellites larger size.

Promising areas of mining space technology at the ICA, he called the creation of the sun and electrorocket thrusters for the near and outer space, the creation of multi-groups of scientific and informational purposes, research facilities in the near and outer space, the use of the ICA as experimental platforms and test facilities, the use of small devices for simple and cost-de-orbiting fragments “of space debris “.

/Media reports.