Ship “Union of MS-19” at gas station

The predispate preparation of the transport piloted ship “Soyuz MS-19” to flight under the program of the 66th main expedition to the International Space Station continues on the Baikonur cosmodrome. Today, September 21, 2021, specialists of the Rocket and Space Corporation “Energy” named after S.P. Queen (part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”) and profile enterprises of Roskosmos have begun filling operations.

In accordance with the decision of the Technical Manual, the ship was delivered to the refueling station No. 31 to refuel the combined motor installation with compressed gases and fuel components. After completing the filling operations, the ship will return to the installation and test case of the site No. 254 for the final stage of preparation for the start-up.

Start of the “Soyuz-2.1a” carrier launch vehicle with a piloted ship “Soyuz MS-19” to the International Space Station is scheduled for October 5, 2021. The cosmodrome passes a pre-flight preparation of the main crew of the ship as part: Commander Anton Sluffers (Roscosmos) and Russian participants of the space flight – Actress Julia Peresilde and Director Klim Shipenko. Their Doubles – Cosmonaut Roskosmos Oleg Artemyev, Alena Mordovin and Alexey Dudin.

/Media reports.