Place of Russia is defined in innovation world

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which is part of the UN structure determined Russia in the innovation world, making the next version of the annual rating “Global Innovation Index”. It is published on the organization’s website.

In the Fresh Rating version, Russia occupied the 45th of the total 132 seats. The final result is made up of two factors, or subindexes (innovation resources and the results of innovation), each of which is still divided into several components – only 81 indicators.

In the Subindex of Innovation Resources, Russia occupied 43rd, according to the results of innovation – 52nd. Russia has demonstrated the best result in terms of the development of human capital and science (29th place), the worst – in terms of the rule of law (109th place).

By the quality of regulation criterion, Russia occupied the 100th place, regulatory environment – 92th, in terms of the development of institutions – 67th. At the same time, the result is improved after last year’s 71th place.

Switzerland became the leader of the overall rating. The second and third place was taken by Sweden and the United States. Also in the top ten, the United Kingdom entered, South Korea, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Denmark and Germany. China was 12th place.

/Media reports.