Brazilian President urged every citizen to buy a rifle

Opponents of the free sale of weapons in Brazil must stop making claims to buyers of weapons stores. This was stated by the Brazilian President Jair Blantar, his words reports Reuters.

Politician spoke at a meeting with his followers near the official presidential residence. He opposed the condemnation of a part of the population, which owns weapons, and called for every citizen of the country to buy a rifle.

Agency notes that earlier Blonar attempts to change Brazil’s legislation so that more residents were able to purchase weapons.

On August 18, the Parliamentary Commission of Brazil was caught Blyster to use false data in death rate statements from coronavirus in the country. A member of the Brazilian Accounting Chamber Alexander Marquez confessed to the fact that he participated in the creation of a false document, on the basis of which the President in June declared the exaggeration of the number of those who died from coronavirus from the governors and local authorities.

/Media reports.