On East began second stage of installation of starting table for “hangars”

On the East spacecraft, the second stage of the installation of the starting table under the rocket carrier of the heavy class “hangar” – the installation of the power frame. Within the framework of the first stage, the installation of metal conversion of the gas plant was carried out.

Space Center Space Center (branch of the center of exploitation of land-based space infrastructure, is part of the state corporation “Roscosmos”) with the help of special equipment began to move the component parts of the power frame from a warehouse of the Cenni branch directly to the installation site: to the site where it goes Construction of the starting complex.

Two spars of the power frame of the starting table weighing more than 88 tons each profit on the cosmodrome from Severodvinsk, together with all the elements of the metal conjunction of the gas station on the railway in July 2020. For transportation of technological equipment, it took about 40 units of railway platforms.

The large parts of the starting table of the Angara Space Rocket Complex were delivered to the East Space in September 2020 by the Northern Sea. Operations for unloading and transporting technological equipment from the Pier of Amur GPZ to the cosmodrome passed in stages and took five days.

/Media reports.