Influence of migraine on risk of diabetes development is explained

Researchers from the United States found that a decrease in the risk of the development of a second type diabetes in people with migraine is explained by the work of two enzymes – CGRP and PACAP. Scientists submitted their findings at the autumn conference of the American Chemical Society.

In people who suffer from migraine, irrevenigability of insulin arises less often – the main cause of the sugar diabetes of the second type. Diabeticians, in turn, there is a migraine. The main role in the emergence of pain because of migraines is played by two enzymes – CGRP and PACAP. Both also affect the production of insulin islands of Langerhans in the pancreas.

In his experiment on mice, researchers from the University of Tennessee were treated with beta cells with solutions of two enzymes. As a result, it turned out that Cgrp forced them to reduce the production of insulin, which defended them from death as well as a deceleration by the enzyme formation of amylin clubs.

Researchers received preliminary data show that usually stimulating insulin-stimulating PACAP reduced it at rest and improved in cases where there was a lot of glucose in the blood. In addition, the enzyme stimulated the division of beta cells.

/Media reports.