Filing to Japan Russian received hectare on Kunashira for flight

Russian, who floated to the Japanese Island Hokkaido, previously received free hectares of the Earth on the island of Kunashir. Perhaps, so he was preparing to escape, for which he also went to Japanese courses, writes “New Gazeta”.

Presumably, we are talking about a person named Vas Phoenix Knockard, born in Izhevsk. Having received the land on Kunashir, the man worked up and visited the courses of Japanese. In 2011, Waas Phoenix came to Japan, but he was deported for violation of the visa regime. Moreover, the Russians had problems with the authorities of Thailand and Indonesia.

According to the information of the Japanese media, on the shore in the area of ​​the village of Sibetseu was found by a hydrocalence, in which, perhaps, the Russian arrived in Japan. It is noted that this place is located in six kilometers from where the arrived alien was first discovered.

The Russian Embassy in Japan demanded access to a citizen of Russia, who sailed from the island of Kunashir to Hokkaido to provide him with diplomatic protection. At the same time, on August 21, the Japanese police stated that the citizen intends to deal with the past of asylum to the authorities of the third country. What state is we talking about, they did not specify in the department.

/Media reports.