The Russian edition of Forbes magazine presented the rating of the richest families in Russia. All included in the list of ten 10 families, whose aggregate state increased by 16.1 billion dollars to 42.9 billion dollars.
For the first time the most wealthy Russian family called the family the richest women in the country, General Director Tatiana Wildberries Bakalchuk. It is noted that the company was originally built as a family, but technically 100 percent were in the possession of a woman.
Only 31 December 2019 Bakalchuk handed spouse Vladislav one percent, so that they have included in the rating. The combined wealth of the family is estimated at more than $ 13 billion.
The second place in the list took the family of Andrei Guriev, the beneficiary’s family trust, the deputy chairman of the board of fertilizer producer “Fosagro”. The combined wealth of the business clan of 6.9 billion dollars.
The third position was Arkady Rotenberg family, who led last year’s rating. During the year, its status has increased by 500 million to 5.95 billion dollars.
“Last year as a whole was successful for all families Forbes rankings Of all participants in the rating this year was not lucky only Gutseriev -. Mihail Gutseriev in July 2021 fell under the EU sanctions against Belarus, and in August – and under the UK sanctions . The billionaire has paid for his friendship with Alexander Lukashenko, “- he emphasizes Forbes