At the anti-aircraft rocket and cannon complex (PCPC), the “shell” was increased distance of detection and destruction of unmanned aerial vehicles (CAP). About this Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke in an interview with TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.
According to the head of the department, the corresponding characteristics of the CPS increased by 30 percent.
Shoigu added that to combat drones of a potential enemy in the arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces (Sun) there are also systems of radio-electronic struggle (RES). “When I flew-flew, and suddenly, as a paralyzed pigeon, it sat down somewhere on the wires somewhere, or something else,” he described the principle of exposure to RES complex.
Earlier it became known that the Pancir-M Spring will now be able to intercept the goals flying at an altitude of no more than 1-2 meters above the water. It is noted that this makes it possible to allow the use of a complex to destroy missiles like Russian anti-tank “cornet” or American anti-relocated Harpoon.