Taliban representative (Taliban’s terrorist organization, prohibited in Russia) Zabihulla Mujahid said that the Afghan Taliban was not related to the Pakistan Taliban, and with the movement of Tekhrici-I-Taliban Pakistan (“Motion of the Taliban Pakistan”) should be understood Pakistan authorities. About this Mujahid told in an interview with the Pakistani TV channel “GEO TV”.
He said that it was Pakistani ulems and religious leaders, and not the Afghan Taliban should decide on the legality or illegality of war and develop a strategy.
Mujahid stressed that the Afghan Taliban is strongly determined to prevent use on their territory to destroy the world in another countries by maintaining terrorist activities from Afghanistan.
Taliba seized Afghanistan on August 15. The government and much of the highest state apparatus fled from the country. Movement representatives assured the international community that they intend to support peaceful and constructive relations with all interested parties.
Political scientist Stanislav Podchin in an interview with Lente.ru suggested that the rapid seizure of power in Afghanistan by the Taliban militants can be explained by changing their tactics. According to the political scientist, the Taliban successfully adjusted for new circumstances, thanks to which they assigned themselves most of the country in just a couple of months.