Half of Russians surveyed by the financial marketer “UNICER24”, doubted their opportunity to repay the loan. Excerpts from the study leads TASS.
“Today, only every second borrower stated with confidence that it would pay off a loan without going to delay; 30 percent was inhabited that it would be easy to make it in the event of difficult situations, however they will make an effort to prevent default,” In the study.
20 percent of respondents could not accurately determine the level of their own solvency and predict the likelihood of repayment of the loan received.
30 percent of respondents said that they have accumulated savings. 70 percent do not have accumulations that could cover their regular expenses. 10 percent of having savings are capable of living on them for more than a year, 50 percent – within 1-2 months, 35 percent – 2-6 months.